• Nur Nurya Nurya Safitri Stei Iqra Annisa


This study describes the Analysis of Customer Perceptions of the Use of Digital Services at the Ahmad Yani Sharia Pegadaian Branch, Pekanbaru. This study uses a qualitative descriptive method, within six months. Data collection techniques with observation, interviews, questionnaires and documentation. The results of the study show that the application of the PSDS application is in accordance with the purpose of making the PSDS application to facilitate customers in making transactions at sharia pawnshops. The Customer Perception Analysis of the use of the PSDS application service is based on the quality of digital services, where the PSDS application is relatively fast and provides a lot of needed information and also has good and easy-to-understand features, so that customers are assisted by the PSDS application. Ease of transactions, where the PSDS application is available, customers find it easier to make transactions, especially customers who don't have much time to come to the outlet. Customer satisfaction using the application is in accordance with what is expected, even though sometimes there are a few errors due to the network, the pawnshop is ready to assist customers in making transactions using the PSDS application.


Keywords: Customer perception, Digital Service, Ease of transaction, Customer satisfaction.



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Keywords: Keywords: Customer perception, Digital Service, Ease of transaction, Customer satisfaction.


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