Indonesia Analisis Peningkatan Kinerja dan Pelayanan Pada Koperasi Serba Usaha Syariah Mitra Mandiri Pratama
This study aims to determine the performance and services of the Multipurpose Cooperative (KSU) Syariah Mitra Mandiri Pratama. what is measured in service is the quality of responsiveness (responsiveness / alertness), reliability (reliability), assurance (guarantee), empathy (attention) and tangibles (physical ability) provided by KSU Syariah Mitra Mandiri Pratama. Data obtained directly from management and customers at KSU Syariah Mitra Mandiri Pratama. The research method used with data collection, namely: interviews, documentation and observation. The discussion technique used is descriptive qualitative analysis. The results of the study indicate that there is still a lack of human resources and supervision of employees in carrying out their duties and responsibilities. While in the aspect of service in general, the quality of service provided at KSU Syariah Mtra Mandiri Pratama has been carried out well. Customers get good, friendly and polite service. However, there are still factors that have not run optimally, for example, facilities are needed at KSU Syariah Mitra Mandiri Pratama such as suggestion boxes and supiervsion of operational hours that are implemented in order to increase customer convenience
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