Hermeneutics phenomenon in Islam

  • Zahvita Caecaria Universitas Islam Bandung


Hermeneutics has the meaning of saying, explaining or explaining situations, translating or translating, and interpreting or interpreting. Hermeneutics is a discipline that deals with not only the interpretation of textual meaning, but also the meaning of reality. Thus, hermeneutics may also be seen as a philosophy or a theory of interpretation. Hermeneutics is closely related to language and makes it the center of discussion in philosophy. Hermeneutics is a method of understanding, a method of understanding an understanding based on several steps and its characteristics, as a means to uncover the content of certain texts, including the text of the Qur'an. In the course of history, Muslim scientists to apply hermeneutics in terms of being in line with the development of this discipline in their respective days to understand the sacred texts they believe in the Qur'an. Therefore, hermeneutics does not only belong to what is traditionally referred to as the science of the Qur'an and Tafsir.

Keywords: Hermeneutics, Hermeneutics in Islam, hermeneutics phenomenon



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Keywords: hermeneutics, hermeneutics phenomenone


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